Embrace the Now

I am angry.
A feeling of dissatisfaction is my companion these days.
I don’t feel at home in this new place and I hate the fact that there is no time to make it a home.
My eyes have forgotten to capture, my heart has lost its song of gratefulness.
I am caught in between – between the past and the future – and that’s one of the most unsettling places to be.

I am panicked and stressed.
I am not happy with how busy I am these days and how little time there is to actually live, but many days I don’t manage much further than falling into bed with heavy legs at night. I often can’t do much more than to embrace the fact that starting any kind of new job is hard.

I am afraid to move on.
My faith feels stuck these days between not wanting to go back but also without any clue on what comes next. I fear to have nothing left.
I have to embrace the fact that being lost doesn’t last forever. And to trust that those who seek will eventually find.

In the midst of life -in the struggle of mourning the past and awaiting the future – I have to embrace the present. It’s all I’ve got right now and I have the chance to turn it into a past worth remembering.

Writing for Five Minute Friday today.

Author: Katha von Dessien

Teacher. Believer in the Wilderness. Third Culture Kid. World Traveler. People and Food at the Table Lover. Writer.

9 thoughts on “Embrace the Now”

  1. Real, raw and honest. I love that you are facing your feelings with bravery, courage and determination. Seeing the perspective but unafraid of the mess in the middle. You are a warrior.

  2. I’m praying for you, Katha, as you embrace your in between. God has a purpose for you that might not be clear to you for a long time. But he has one, never fear!

  3. Oh, this spoke volumes to me! I hear you loud and clear. It is the distraction that makes us angry it is the busy that makes us overwhelmed and paralyzed. I am wishing you peace, calm and finding joy in your heart once again. Your FMF neighbor, #13

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