May You Find a Light

There are 12°C outside, a warm breeze and you can enjoy a coffee in the sun on the balcony.
It’s also the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. The highlight of Christmas cheer, music and cookies.
I’m not ready for this.

After many weeks of stress, running around to finish assignments, make deadlines, pass exams, fulfill expectations I don’t feel like Christmas at all.
My heart is restless. There’s no room to let in the Christmas joy and peace. My mind is too full to rejoice in the fact that Christ, our Savior, came to light up our darkness.
Christmas is coming and I am not prepared.

Many many years ago a group of shepherds might have felt the same way. They were outside one night taking care of their flock.
They might have tried to fight off sleep that wanted to overtake them.
They might have shivered in the cold night breeze.
They might have wondered what tomorrow would bring.
They might have worried if they’ll ever fit in.

They weren’t ready what what came next.
Heavens opened up, the skies were illuminated with bright light. A group of angels sang of new joy and hope.
The group shepherds decided to let go of their worries and just followed. A star led them to a baby which would become their and our Savior.
In the midst of darkness they found a light, a joy, a hope, a home.

Lost and weary traveler searching for the way to go Stranger heavy hearted longing for someone you know May you find a light to guide you homeMerry Christmas

What grace that God doesn’t wait for us to be ready.
In the midst of our  worries and darkness His light breaks through.
In the midst of our loud business His angel voices take the stage.
He invites us to let go of our worries and meddlesome lives and just follow. His light will guide us to place where we find hope and joy and peace. A place where we belong. He will guide us home.

No matter how dark and busy your life might look like right now, no matter how little ‘Christmas-sy’ you might feel at the moment – allow Christmas to settle inside your heart.
May you have time for good food and fellowship with the family.
May you experience some of that Christmas light and joy that will guide you home.
May you let your heart rest for a while and regain strength for all the new adventures ahead of you.

THANK YOU for reading along this year, for all your responses – they mean so much to me! Looking forward to more thoughts in 2016!

If you still need a bit of Christmas tunes for your soul, treat yourself to this.

Author: Katha von Dessien

Teacher. Believer in the Wilderness. Third Culture Kid. World Traveler. People and Food at the Table Lover. Writer.

4 thoughts on “May You Find a Light”

  1. I too am not ready. I guess I never will be, except under provision God has made for us through Grace. Praise be! Come Lord Jesus, come. Merry Christmas!

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