[Five Minute Friday] Time


What a word in a week of very little time. It was the first week after the holidays and I was overwhelmed with everything I had to do. No, time wasn’t really available.

Do you have time?

Yesterday I went to the library to print something and I ran into an old friend. We started some small talk and he had some questions. So we sat down.
“Do you have time for this?”, he asked.
I thought of my to do list, the stacks of papers to organize, the lessons to plan…
“Yes, let’s talk.”
Sometimes you have to make time.


Do you have time?

Time to pause for a moment in your rush to work to inhale the fresh morning air.
Time to recognize the first snowflakes making their way to the ground. Yes, winter has finally made it to Germany.
Time to enjoy the food you’re eating and start a conversation with a colleague about life and faith in a depth you never expected.
Time to take a deep breath and remind yourself that stress is not the end of the world. You can do more than you think.
Time to listen to a friend in need.

Time to hear the Father whispering, “Do you have time, my child, to discover all the little treasures I have hidden in the mundane for you to enjoy?”

Do you have time for the beautiful ordinary this week?

Making time to write for Five Minute Friday today.

Author: Katha von Dessien

Teacher. Believer in the Wilderness. Third Culture Kid. World Traveler. People and Food at the Table Lover. Writer.

11 thoughts on “[Five Minute Friday] Time”

  1. I’m so glad you made time (because I think in being intentional about our relationships we actually gain time–those other things on our list end up getting done in the end) to listen to the Holy Spirit and minister to someone.

    1. That is very true, Anita! I guess one of the biggest lies we believe is that it won’t work out in the end. Make time for the essential things and everything else will fall into place.

  2. I love this post Katha. Yes, sometimes you have to make time. For the things that really matter most, like listening to a friend in need, and hearing the Father’s whisper. So true! Thank you for this. So glad I stopped by to read it. God bless.

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